Install Endependence (POC) for iPhone
Click on the link “Install Endependence (POC) for iPhone” and the app will install.
Since this is published as an enterprise application, you will need to Trust the Application and Developer through your “Settings” app:
This document will walk you through the steps to trust the app:
The enterprise developer that you will need to trust is “Radiant Creative Group, LLC”.
As long as you do not delete the application, you can update the application without having to go through this “trust” process each time there is an update.
Download & Install Endependence Demo for Windows Desktop
Click on the link above and download the .zip file to your hard drive. Unzip the file and click WildWest.exe to start the program.
Download & Install Endependence Demo for Mac OS
Click on the link above and download the .zip file to your hard drive. Unzip the file and click WildWestScene to start the program.
Controls for Laptop Version
A, S, D, F: move through the world.
Arrow Keys: look around
Mouse click when prompted to select